Recycling garden plants Fall 2018, Bell Pepper Tomato plants moved indoors, New plants from harvested seeds


Mother nature won’t wait.

Especially in North Piedmont NC.

We have had it all in the past several months.

Two hurricanes, power outages, 85 degree weather just over a week ago and a frost warning tonight.

It had to be done today.

I moved Bell Peppers and Tomato plants indoors for my annual migration and recycling of garden plants.

The Bell Peppers have done well, producing fruit all winter and being planted outside again in the spring.

Some of these plants have lasted 3 years and I suspect could last more.

The Tomato Plants do ok and last year I replanted one in the spring.

Of course these are heirloom varieties so I harvest the seeds for new plants.

I have a great southern exposure location in a bay window which has been enlarged with a piece of plywood.

A recycled piece of plywood, of course.


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