Rain barrels provide water for garden hand washing etc., All water is recycled, Low cost high benefit, No brainer

I and my grandkids have been using water from rain barrels for some time.

It was a low cost project and fairly easy to build.

I already had the trash can (from a thermal mass experiment in a green house) and a friend gave me the 55 gallon drum.

I used scrap lumber I already owned to elevate the drum, a scrap piece of PVC pipe and purchased 2 shutoff valves and connectors.

I probably spent no more than $ 20.

I put a hole in the pipe for overflow & covered it with a piece of screen.

There is also a screen over the downflow pipe in the gutter.

A section of garden hose connects the two collectors.

One change I may make is a u shaped trap to further catch and keep residue entering the barrels.

This is a no brainer project.

Free water.

R.E. Cycle

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